Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Behind the Scenes: I'll Be Here Waiting

I've been wanting to blog about my photo adventures for quite some time now. Being a new year, I suppose it's a good time to do just that. I hope you will enjoy the journey!

"I'll be here waiting"

I tromped around in the woods after work, looking for a location that called out to me. This was the one! Until I noticed there was a house to the right of this picture, literally in the middle of the woods. There were enough trees between myself and the house, that I risked shooting a couple nudes in this spot. Not my best idea ever...and when I was ready to shoot, I realized I had a dead battery with me. I completely forgot about the one on the charger I was supposed to grab on my way out. I thought about calling it quits, but I was feeling way too inspired. So I threw on my clothes and ran back. I had to run super low because of my hair. I think the forest wanted her thorns back. :(

I took quite a few photos that were completely out of focus and oddly framed, such as this one. When I got back to my camera and saw them, I decided to just move onto another location. One doesn't exactly have a lot of leisure time while shooting in the snow. Not to mention I had to creep over to my spot hidden from the house's view (just in case) in my clothes and then throw them to the side when I got ready to shoot. I was really freaked out. Freaked out and freezing!

Here, have a crazy picture of me in my pajama pants (easy to slip on and off) at my second location. I wish I would have taken a better picture of the trees there. They were reaching towards each other. Yay for tree arches!

P.S. Thorns = Ouch (and they're really hard to get out of hair.)